
Mocking Modules in Jest Tests

You’ve probably found your way to this post because you're trying to create mock code for tests that use the Jest framework and are having difficulty getting your mock to work the way you want. This post focuses on why you might choose one Jest method over another to create a mock—and how to use it—so you can work and write tests more quickly.

Rich McNeary

Rich McNeary

Collection of Vue Macros in Vue.js 3.3

Many developers (myself included) were excited when Vue.js version 3.3 introduced several functionalities from Vue Macros, the collection of proposed additions to Vue.js that extend its basic functionalities with syntactic sugar.

Eduard Krivanek

Eduard Krivanek

New in Vue.js 3.3: Two-Way Binding With defineModel Macro

With the upcoming Vue.js version 3.3, the community once again doesn’t disappoint. Vue.js 3.3 includes many useful features that improve productivity and developer velocity.

Eduard Krivanek

Eduard Krivanek


Angular 16 Just Dropped a Long Overdue Feature

The Angular team just released an exciting new major version of Angular that comes with many new features. One of these features has been something that the Angular community has wanted for a long time, and we've inched closer and closer with each major version. I'm talking about the takeUntilDestroyed operator.

Mark Thompson

Mark Thompson