
Day.js: A Convenient Alternative to Moment.js for Node.js Consulting

With the phasing out of the popular datetime library Moment.js, one of our Node.js consulting clients wanted to prioritize finding a replacement. We ultimately chose to migrate to Day.js, a minimalist JavaScript library. Among the alternatives, Day.js offered many advantages, chief among them being that it is lightweight and the most syntactically close to Moment.js.

Nicole Greene

Nicole Greene


[Interview] Meet Amanda: a Product Designer & Accessibility Advocate

Accessibility was front and center in my previous article, 3 things every product design team needs in 2023. People seem to be passionate about ensuring designs are accessible. There’s a lot of talk of it online, but how many product design teams have a designer on their team with lived disability experiences?

Heatherlee Nguyen

Heatherlee Nguyen