
4 Reasons to Fall in Love with Angular Component Inheritance


Component inheritance in Angular is a feature that doesn’t seem to get a lot of love. Maybe it’s the tie to object-oriented programming which is losing a little love to the functional programming trend. However, I’ve found component inheritance to be just the right fit for a number of use-cases. 

Jonathan Spickerman

Jonathan Spickerman


Helpful Tips for Debugging Scully & Angular

Scully is still a new and emerging technology, allowing developers to convert their Angular apps to use JAMstack methodology. Learning how to improve Angular application performance by pre-rendering pages with Scully can be hard if you don't understand how Scully works or how to debug Scully errors (or lack of errors).  

Jennifer Wadella

Jennifer Wadella


Improve Angular Performance by Caching API Calls

When considering how to improve Angular performance, there are many things we can borrow from the JAMstack approach. One of these, caching API calls, can be a real performance booster AND save money by limiting server requests to fetch redundant information.

Jennifer Wadella

Jennifer Wadella


Bitovian Talking about Angular Performance at Upcoming Event

On May 29th, 2020 an online Angular Event is being held featuring prominent women in the Angular community, including Bitovian Jennifer Wadella. Jennifer will be presenting a talk about improving Angular application performance with Scully, a recently released optimization tool.  

Brian Moschel

Brian Moschel


Rendering Pages for Dynamic Routes in Angular with Scully

There are a number of ways to improve Angular application performance, but one sure-fire way to see page load times improve immediately is to move toward JAMstack architecture, and using Scully is a great way to do this.

Jennifer Wadella

Jennifer Wadella


Is Your Angular App Performance Hurting Your Revenue?

Why Performance Matters

In the 2020 economy of competing web applications and SaaS products, an application's performance can be the difference between a customer gained and a customer lost. Angular is a fantastic framework for creating scalable web applications.  However, it is just as susceptible to performance issues as any other technology if the development team isn't experienced in Angular best practices, optimization, and performance consideration.

While there are many factors that impact Angular application performance,  consider one common result of poor performance; page load time. The longer a web application takes to load, the more likely a user is to leave the site without taking an action that may lead to a sale. 

Google doesn’t disclose its ranking algorithm or list a concrete goal for performance, so a company should ensure their application performs better than their competitors’  in order to be successful.

Conversion Impact

Jennifer Wadella

Jennifer Wadella


Understanding Angular's Control Value Accessor Interface

If you're dealing with forms in Angular on a regular basis one of the most powerful things you can learn is how to use the Control Value Accessor interface. The CVA interface is a bridge between FormControls and their elements in the DOM. A component extending the CVA interface can create a custom form control that behaves the same as a regular input or radio button.

Jennifer Wadella

Jennifer Wadella


Managing Nested and Dynamic Forms in Angular

Angular's Reactive Forms give us immense capabilities with its robust API, but the learning curve can be a bit steep from plain old template-driven forms that many are used to. This quick guide will explain Angular's main form elements and how to combine them, nest them, and dynamically create them in almost any scenario.

Jennifer Wadella

Jennifer Wadella