
CanJS Debugging Tutorial

This tutorial walks through some of CanJS's most useful debugging features. If you are new to CanJS, and want to be impressed, you might checkout it's two most unique and powerful features first:

  • Understand what happened with logStack - A change in one value results in a change in another value, which results in another value change. This relationship can be hard to understand and isn't visible in the stack.  Fortunately, CanJS has a stack that lays out exactly why something changed.
  • Understand what changes the DOM - If you inspect an element, CanJS can tell you all of the values that went into composing the element's values.
Justin Meyer

Justin Meyer

CanJS 5.0

Dear Web Developers,

The humble DoneJS core team enthusiastically presents CanJS 5.0. Like 4.0 before it, this release continues to simplify CanJS and solve problems in new and ergonomic ways. If you are unfamiliar with CanJS, the common web development problems it tackles are:

  • Responding to user interactions and updating HTML with components (custom elements).
  • Retrieving and modifying service data with models.
  • Routing url changes to state changes and state changes to url changes with routing.

Driven by community feedback, CanJS 5.0 focused primarily on making CanJS easier to use and learn in modern development environments and improving the model layer. Yet, we still managed to improve components, routing and even testing with one new feature.

Justin Meyer

Justin Meyer

June 2018 DoneJS Community Update

Sneak peek: CanJS 5’s new data layer

In our first community survey, making it easier to configure and understand can-set was one of the top-voted items. We’re excited to deliver on that proposal in CanJS 5, which will include the following new modules that are easier to understand and configure:

Chasen Le Hara

Chasen Le Hara

March 2018 DoneJS Community Update

CanJS 4 & DoneJS 2

CanJS 4 and DoneJS 2 are out! Check out those blog posts for the full details on the new:

Chasen Le Hara

Chasen Le Hara

Improved Error Handling in DoneJS

DoneJS now features improved error handling and messaging for those on donejs@2. In recent weeks we have added:

The Bitovi Team

The Bitovi Team