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February 2017 DoneJS Community Update

This post highlights the notable releases, community projects,and technical content released in the DoneJS community last month.

Chasen Le Hara

Chasen Le Hara

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Lots of notable releases, community projects, and technical content were released in the DoneJS community last month! This post outlines some of the highlights from February 2017.

Notable releases

Steal 1.2.0 was released with a few bug fixes and new features. Globals can now depend on non-globals, and the cache-bust extension has been moved into core!

FuncUnit 3.2.0 includes Syn 0.4, which fixed .type() for input[type=number] fields in Chrome and Firefox. Thanks to Kevin Dillon who has joined the DoneJS core team to improve Syn and FuncUnit!

Community projects

This month Kyle Gifford released can-connect-cloneable, which makes it really easy to create a “clone” of your model objects for editing.

Last weekend at Hack Illinois a team worked on making streamable server-side rendering for DoneJS. Props to Fang Lu, Indira Gutierrez, Shang Jiang, tang184, wusiyao, and Yu-Lin Yang for their contributions to a few new projects.

Blog posts, talks & trainings

A couple weeks ago at DoneJS Chicago, Justin Meyer hosted a Hack Night on how to build a file system navigator. He also made a video and created a new recipes page on CanJS.com. There you can find simple and advanced guides for building the file system navigator. Check them out if you haven’t already!

We released a new DoneJS contribution guide and wrote about it in our We ❤️ Open Source Contributors blog post. We welcome new contributors to our community, so please always feel free to join us on our forums or Gitter chat!

Last month Kevin Phillips presented at SDC in Naperville on Javascript Module Loaders. His slides are available online.

Joe Crick wrote a great blog post on how we built a real-time, multi-platform app in three months.

Last but not least, in Justin’s CanJS - Built to Last video, he talks about the core principles that drove the release of CanJS 3 and continue to direct us as we fulfill our mission to create stable yet innovative libraries.


02.16.17 - Another excellent tutorial Meetup by Justin and @donejs.

A post shared by Oscar Delgadillo (@countaightblah) on


In addition to the projects and releases we’ve already mentioned, we’d like to recognize the following contributions from people outside the core team:

Adam L Barrett made a few contributions to CanJS, including Add pushToStack() and popFromStack() methods to allow async Observations and Fix #180 make isArraylike return false for functions,

Brad Momberger made a couple contributions to CanJS, including Add Observation.ignore to renderer functions and Inline docs improved for nodeList, Markdown for blog post added.

Curtis Cummings made a couple contributions to Testee, including fixing the Mocha reporters for Testee and Testee-Client.

Ilya Fadeev made a lot of contributions to CanJS, including issues in can-connect, can-connect-feathers, can-fixture-socket, and can-util.

Joe Crick contributed some documentation changes for can-connect-signalr.

John Gardner fixed an infinite loop issue in can-define.

Kyle Gifford, in addition to starting can-connect-cloneable, contributed a fix for can-list sort.

Marshall Thompson has been on a roll while upgrading the repositories to use StealJS v1.

Manuel Mujica made a ton of contributions to DoneJS and StealJS.

Mick McGrath fixed CanJS to make ../ skip past non-context contexts in a Stache template.

Robert Lin has just started contributing this week to make improvements to CanJS and StealJS.

Tom Greever fixed some broken links in DocumentCSS.

What’s next

The core team is focused on the DoneJS 1.0 release, which will include CanJS 3 and StealJS 1. We’re quickly closing in on having DoneJS 1.0 out the door and we’ll be excited to share more soon.

After the DoneJS 1.0 release, we’ll be working on a few larger projects. Here are some of the things we’re starting to discuss:

These and other issues are being tracked in DoneJS 1.1 and DoneJS 2.0 ZenHub epics. Join the conversation by adding your comments to the issues on GitHub!

On Thursday March 23rd we’re hosting two meetup events: another DoneJS Chicago Hack Night and a South Bay Learn JS in San Jose. At the DoneJS Chicago event, Justin will guide you through building a weekly weather report, while in San Jose I will be presenting with Liz Tom on closures. If you’re in Silicon Valley and you’d like to meet up, please get in touch!

You can keep up with the latest in the community by following us on Twitter or joining us on our forums or Gitter chat!