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New on CanJS.com: Recipes!

Learn about CanJS.com’s Recipes section with great example apps you can build today!

Chasen Le Hara

Chasen Le Hara

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We’ve added a new Recipes section to CanJS.com with example widgets that are useful starting points for learning more about CanJS.The first set of recipes is a file system navigator that Justin Meyer presented at DoneJS Chicago last month.

file navigator.gif

We also recorded a live stream of building the widget!

Check out the simple and advanced guides for building the file system navigator. The simple guide takes about 25 minutes to complete, while the advanced guide takes about 45 minutes to complete and shows how to make AJAX requests and use can-component.

We’ll be adding more recipes over time based on what we hear the community wants, so let us know what recipe you would like to see us cook up next!

If you have any questions or comments while going through the recipes, please join us on our forums or Gitter chat!