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June 2018 DoneJS Community Update

Get up to speed with the latest developments in the DoneJS community!

Chasen Le Hara

Chasen Le Hara

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Sneak peek: CanJS 5’s new data layer

In our first community survey, making it easier to configure and understand can-set was one of the top-voted items. We’re excited to deliver on that proposal in CanJS 5, which will include the following new modules that are easier to understand and configure:

We’d appreciate your feedback on those docs and the new Observables and the service layer section of the CanJS 5 Technology Overview. Your feedback now can help us improve the docs and APIs before we release CanJS 5 in the coming weeks.

Improved can-stache warnings

While we’re working on CanJS 4.3 and CanJS 5, we’ve made big improvements to the “unable to find key” warnings in CanJS 3 and 4.

Screenshot of improved console warning message

Check out Kevin Phillips’ forum post on the improved warnings for more information, and if you run into any warnings that don’t quite make sense, please file an issue in can-stache!

Recent StealJS releases

While we’re finishing up StealJS 2 with tree shaking (read last month’s community update for a sneak peek!), we’ve fixed a bunch of bugs and made some improvements across a bunch of StealJS packages:

  • steal@1.11.7: fixes projects that use the folder/index convention and dev bundles
  • steal@1.11.8: fixes an issue where an object like freeModule.require('util') would inadvertently trigger CommonJS dependency detection
  • steal@1.12: adds the ability to set load-bundles="false" from the steal script tag and turn off loading of bundles while in production mode
  • steal-less@1.3.1: fixes Windows compatibility
  • steal-mocha@2: upgrade to Mocha 5
  • steal-tools@1.11.9: fixes issues with dev bundles and babelOptions

Community survey

We run a community survey every six weeks to get a feel for what everyone would like Bitovi’s open source team to prioritize (sign up here if you’re not on our list).

We’re currently working on these proposals:

After CanJS 5 is released, we plan on working on these proposals:

Say hi in person or online

If you’re in Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, or Silicon Valley, be sure to RSVP to our meetups in those locations:

Not in those cities? Chat with us on our forums, Gitter, or Twitter!

Live stream from the last DoneJS LA.


Last but certainly not least, we’d like to recognize the following people for their contributions to our open source projects:

Hire us

DoneJS’s main sponsor is Bitovi. We provide web and mobile application consulting services. We can build your app, work with you to build it, or teach you how to build it. To learn more visit bitovi.com or @bitovi on Twitter.