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Bitovian Talking about Angular Performance at Upcoming Event

Bitovian Jennifer Wadella to speak at upcoming Angular event on how to improve Angular application performance using Scully.

Brian Moschel

Brian Moschel

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On May 29th, 2020 an online Angular Event is being held featuring prominent women in the Angular community, including Bitovian Jennifer Wadella. Jennifer will be presenting a talk about improving Angular application performance with Scully, a recently released optimization tool.  

Jennifer will be speaking alongside other Angular experts including Deborah Kurata, Jules Kremer, and Kaitlyn Ekdahl. Topics presented include working with Google Maps in Angular, DataStreams with RxJS, and NgRx selectors. 

To register for the event, fill out the form here: https://www.angularmeetup.com/#/register/TBA/angular-international-womens-day-2020