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March 2017 DoneJS Community Update

This post highlights the notable releases, community projects,and technical content released in the DoneJS community in March 2017.

Chasen Le Hara

Chasen Le Hara

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Lots of notable releases, community projects, and technical content were released in the DoneJS community last month! This post outlines some of the highlights from March 2017.

Notable releases

Steal 1.3.0 was released with an awesome new feature: development bundles. Development bundles provide a way to create a bundle of your dependencies (npm packages) so that you don't need to import all of the individual files. We’ve seen the number of HTTP requests decrease 50% with this feature, improving load times up to 36%. Check out the development bundles guide for more information.

CanJS 3.5.0 was released with lots of bug fixes and three new ecosystem packages: can-connect-signalr, can-validate, and can-validate-validatejs. can-connect-signalr makes it really easy to connect to a Hub on a SignalR server, while the validation packages make it even easier to check data for validation errors.

Community projects

This month Marshall Thompson released steal-vue, a package that helps StealJS bundle Vue.js Single File Components with your application.

Brad Momberger made an awesome Glitch Hello World for DoneJS template. You can use it to create a done-autorender project without having to use the DoneJS CLI locally, which is awesome for quickly sharing code online.

Blog posts, talks & trainings

A couple weeks ago at DoneJS Chicago, Brian Moschel and Kevin Phillips hosted a Hack Night on how to build a weekly weather report. The app uses Yahoo’s Weather API and Query Language (YQL) to build an app that gives you a 10-day forecast for any location you give it. It takes about 25 minutes to complete and was built with CanJS 3.5. Check out the recipe guide on CanJS.com if you haven’t already!

Last week Justin Meyer hosted a live stream about can-util, which I followed up with a new blog post on JavaScript Query String Encoding and Decoding with can-param and can-deparam. The “Can’d Goodies” series will highlight different modules in CanJS, so look for more of those blog posts in the future.


In addition to the projects and releases we’ve already mentioned, we’d like to recognize the following contributions from people outside the core team:

What’s next

The core team is really close to announcing the release of DoneJS 1.0. Expect to hear an official release announcement from us this month.

After the DoneJS 1.0 release, we’ll be working on a few larger projects. Here are some of the things we’re starting to discuss:

These and other issues are being tracked in DoneJS 1.1 and DoneJS 2.0 ZenHub epics.

You can keep up with the latest in the community by following us on Twitter or joining us on our forums or Gitter chat!