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JS and jQuery Essentials

JS and jQuery Essentials

The Bitovi Team

The Bitovi Team

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Join Justin Meyer on March 17 and 18 as he walks you through fundamental concepts required for advanced UI development in this two day course in Chicago, IL. Tickets are available through EventBrite.

Is this training right for you?

This training is ideal if you are familiar with HTML and CSS and have some exposure to JavaScript or other programming languages.


This training is taught through personalized, hands-on instruction and coding exercises that will make you flex your JavaScript and jQuery muscles and reinforce concepts. Training will start at 9am and end at 5pm. Lunch will be served both days.

Day 1: March 17

You'll learn the fundamentals of JavaScript and leave with a deep understanding of how closures, types and context are constructed in memory. The topics are a deep dive into the language and will expose you to exercises that reveal core functionality in the language.

You'll cover:

  • Types, functions & closures
  • Prototypes
  • Traversing the DOM

Day 2: March 18

Armed with JavaScript's fundamentals, you'll learn how jQuery is made possible and what it's API methods actually allow you to do. During Day 2, you'll actually construct a micro version of jQuery from scratch to compliment your current knowledge of the library.

You'll cover:

  • The jQuery function
  • DOM Events
  • Selecting and traversing the DOM
  • Manipulating elements
  • jQuery utility methods
  • AJAX and Deferreds
  • Event binding and delegation
