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June 2017 DoneJS Community Update

This post highlights the notable releases, community projects,and technical content released in the DoneJS community in June 2017.

Chasen Le Hara

Chasen Le Hara

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Lots of notable releases, community projects, and technical content were released in the DoneJS community last month! This post outlines some of the highlights from June 2017.

Notable releases

FuncUnit 3.4 includes Syn 0.10, which added PointerEvents for right clicks and fixed an issue in Internet Explorer 11 not-suppressing key events during preventDefault.

We’ve also made some structural changes to canjs.com, including the addition of a new API Docs page that is now the parent to the Core, Infrastructure, Ecosystem, and Legacy pages. The new About page contains some pages that were under Guides, and you can more easily see the list of Recipes now that they all show as soon as you go to the Guides page. Last but not least, we’ve started redirecting all traffic to HTTPS!

Blog posts, talks & trainings

Matthew Phillips published two blog posts: Utilizing HTTP/2 PUSH in a Single Page Application and Slimming Down Steal. In his first post, he presented some research he conducted on how HTTP/2 Server Push can improve the performance of SPAs under different conditions, including how quickly the server can return the data and how fast the user’s Internet connection is. In his second post, he outlined our roadmap for making the production version of StealJS dramatically smaller so your apps can load even faster for your users. If you like improving the performance of your apps, definitely check out both articles!

I published an article on SitePoint called How to Build a Real-Time GitHub Issue To-Do List with CanJS, in which I give an introduction to CanJS and then walk you through the process of building an issue to-do list with GitHub’s APIs. If you’re wondering how you might implement drag-and-drop sorting with CanJS, check it out!

Last month, you might’ve seen members of the core team at any of these events:

The above talks were all based on guides you can find on our websites:

Group photo at a meetup


In addition to the projects and releases we’ve already mentioned, we’d like to recognize the following contributions from people outside the core team:

What’s next

Members of the DoneJS core team are presenting at two meetup events this month: DoneJS Chicago and JavaScriptLA. Come hang out and learn more about DoneJS!

We have a couple of exciting announcements lined up this week (expect more blog posts soon!), and we’re continuing work on the following projects:

Keep up with the latest in the community by following us on Twitter or joining us on our forums or Gitter chat!