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Join Us Thursday March 21st for Bitovi’s Online Meetup — React Hooks, WebRTC, UX for Devs, & Conference Speaking Like a Boss

Join us on Thursday March 21st for our next online meetup, featuring talks about React Hooks, WebRTC, UX Considerations for Developers, & Conference Speaking Like a Boss.

Chasen Le Hara

Chasen Le Hara

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This meetup already happened! You can watch the recordings on YouTube:

Join us on March 21st at 9 am – 10:30 am Pacific Time for our next online meetup! We’ll have a handful of short talks on a variety of interesting topics, including…

React hooks were introduced added in React v16.8, and they simplify and improve the way we write React components. Adam Barrett will walk us through the built-in hooks and create a couple of custom hooks to show off how awesome hooks are and why they are the inevitable future for React components.

WebRTC brings peer-to-peer real-time to the web in a really meaningful way. Austin Kurpuis will go over some basics of WebRTC, how it’s being used in the real world today, and how you can leverage it to build real-time audio and video communication right into your web applications.

Understanding User Experience (UX) and how to improve it is a key skill for modern developers. Building thoughtful products with clear intentions leads to a better overall experience for your users. Jamie McCue will explain how developers can take advantage of basic user-centered principles to improve the products they build.

Want to get started speaking at conferences, or step up your current game? Jennifer Wadella will teach us how conference talk acceptances work, the basics of writing a good talk abstract, and how to distinguish yourself from the crowd of submissions!

After the talks, we’ll join breakout rooms to discuss the presentations, talk with the presenters, and put the meet in meetup.

This meetup is free to attend, but you have to register to save your spot!

Register for the meetup

And before the meetup, be sure to join our new community Slack! After you’ve joined, come say hello in our #introductions channel. We’re excited to chat with you there and see you at our next online meetup!