Product Overview page

Learn to add things in the ideas backlog


Here is the scenario we will be working with for the rest of this training.

You are the Technical Product Owner for “Itsy Bitsy” marketplace, an online store which specializes in items crafted from spider silk.

You are tasked with building an actionable plan to expand the marketplace past the initial release, based on features that Itsy Bitsy senior management think may be good ideas.

Existing MVP

The basic Itsy Bitsy site has been built with a simple product selection and ordering workflow. In addition to the home page shown above, we have:

User Profile page (when logged in)

Product Details page for each product

Shopping Cart

Shipping Method selection

Payment processing

Order receipt


Itsy Bitsy is a large enterprise comprised of multiple “product” teams:

  • Store
    • Create a catalog of items
    • Manage inventory
    • Setup pricing
  • Order
    • Create a cart
    • Place an order
  • Payment - Support different payment types
  • Shipping - Calculate and price shipping, track shipping
  • Marketing - Creates ads … they are not a product team in the traditional sense

Example Feature

We will be creating the ability to have a simple percentage discount promotion code within Itsy Bitsy. The details of how the promotion code will be created within Itsy Bitsy and applied to orders will be identified as part of our refinement process.

You will also come up with your own ideas for other Itsy Bitsy features and do your own refinement throughout this training.


  • You - a TPO
  • Trainer - Either a Stakeholder or a Development Lead