Types page

Learn how to declare types in TypeScript.


In this section, you will:

  • Discover how to declare the various types used in TypeScript
  • Discuss how types can be inferred
  • Show how to assert types
  • Spot and correct basic type mistakes
  • Create a typed variable

Objective: Fix type errors

Basic type

Types explain what we can and can’t do with a value, take for example numbers and strings. In JavaScript, on strings, we have access to .length, on a number we do not. Types also determine what will happen when we apply operators to values. For example, for the + operator, what does the following do?

console.log(a + b);

Some might say it adds a and b together, others that it concatenates a and b. Both are potentially right. To come to the correct answer, we need to know what a and b are. If a and b are numbers, the + will perform addition, if they are strings - concatenation. The difference between the two is their underlying types.

Note: If you are familiar with JavaScript’s primitive types you may recognize some of the names coming up. The types string boolean and number should feel familiar. These types are the same in TypeScript as they are in JavaScript and are at times referred to as primitive types.


boolean is a type that can only be true or false.

let isCarnivore: boolean = true;
let isHerbivore: boolean = false;


number is used for numbers. If you are familiar with other typed languages, like c++ you may be familiar with specific number types like unsigned int and float. In JavaScript and TypeScript, there is only number.

let teeth: number = 100;
let hex: number = 0xf00d;


string is used for a collection of characters like words.

let name: string = "Leoplurodon";


In TypeScript, there is a subset within string, number, and boolean which allows us to refine the specificity of the type. These are called type literals. A string literal is a single string for example:

type StringLiteralExample = "hello";

If we were to assign a variable to this StringLiteralExample type we declared, we would see the only value it can be is "hello".

let invalid: StringLiteralExample = "a"; // ERROR
let valid: StringLiteralExample = "hello"; // No issues

What we have done is restricted the string type to be only the single string "hello". The same can be done with numbers, and less helpfully, booleans. Literals like this are very powerful when used in conjunction with type unions. Allowing us to expand our subset to include multiple values.

type Dinos = "Stegosaurus" | "Triceratops" | "Velociraptor"; //|… any additional dinos

Note: In TypeScript projects and applications using unions like the one above is often used as a low-overhead version of enums.

While we spent the time going over what a literal is. For the remainder of this section (and sections to come), we will not make the distinction between type literals and types since literals are types.


let list: number[] = [1, 2, 3];

let raptors: Array<string> = ["Blue", "Charlie", "Delta"];


let user: { name: string; age: number } = { name: "Justin", age: 36 };

Note: Later we will learn about Interfaces, which are a better way of describing objects because the description can be reused.


let sillyList: [number, string];

sillyList = [5, "boop"]; //typescript is happy

sillyList = ["boop", 5]; //will error


There are many different ways to create new types from existing ones in TS. Intersections allow us to create a type containing all the properties of multiple types together. Put another way; Intersections combine multiple types into one. Let’s imagine we have the following types.

type Person = {
  name: string;
  age: number;

type AnimalTrainer = {
  level: "rookie" | "intermediate" | "advanced";
  animals: Array<Animals>;

However, we also need a DinosaurCareTaker. A Dinosaur caretaker is a Person and an AnimalTrainer. Intersections allow us to create a type from Person and DinosaurCareTaker using the & symbol.

 * {
 *   name: string;
 *   age: number;
 *   level: "rookie" | "intermediate" | "advanced";
 *   animals: Array<Animals>;
 * }
type DinosaurCareTaker = Person & AnimalTrainer;

DinosaurCareTaker looks good, but there is more to being a dinosaur caretaker than being a Person and an AnimalTrainer. Luckily, there can be more than one intersection in a type declaration, and we can add the specifics of DinosaurCareTaker in another intersection.

 * {
 *   name: string;
 *   age: number;
 *   level: "rookie" | "intermediate" | "advanced";
 *   animals: Array<Animals>;
 *   dinosaurName: string;
 *   dinosaurType: "carnivore" | "herbivore";
 * }
type DinosaurCareTaker = Person &
  AnimalTrainer & {
    dinosaurName: string;
    dinosaurType: "carnivore" | "herbivore";

There are a couple of things to be aware of when using type intersections. One is that order doesn’t matter since the intersection operator (&) is associative. This means the following two types (A and B) are the same.

type A = A1 & A2;
type B = A2 & A1;

One catch with intersections is giving them types that can’t be reconciled together. For example, creating a type from the intersection of two string unions

type Union1 = "hello" | "world";
type Union2 = "person" | "animal";

type Intersection = Union1 & Union2;

…or trying to create a type from the intersection of two types that share a key name but the type of the key is different in both types

type Object1 = {
  name: string;
  age: number;

type Object2 = {
  description: string;
  age: string;

type Intersection = Object1 & Object2;

In this case, the shared key is age, while the differing types are number and string. Both of these will appear to work, however, when used, the type of Intersection is never and an error reading something along the lines of

Type 'X' is not assignable to type 'never'.ts(2322)

will appear. We will learn more about never below!

Type unions

In the earlier sections, we saw how we could make unions from primitive type literals; however, unions extend beyond the primitives. This section will explore how type unions work with object types.

Type unions allow us to create a single type from two or more different types. Imagine we have the following.

type LandDinosaur = {
  name: string;
  distanceAbleToWalk: number;
  legLength: number;

type AirDinosaur = {
  name: string;
  distanceAbleToFly: number;
  wingLength: number;

type WaterDinosaur = {
  name: string;
  distanceAbleToSwim: number;
  finLength: number;

Functions will be covered in the next section!

And we have to implement a getTotalDistanceAbleToTravel function that takes any number of dinosaurs and computes how far they could move. Given the current tools in our arsenal, we could create something along the lines of this:

function getTotalDistanceAbleToTravelOnLand(quadDino: LandDinosaur[]): number {
  return quadDino.reduce((total, dino) => total + dino.distanceAbleToWalk, 0);

function getTotalDistanceAbleToTravelInAir(wingDino: AirDinosaur[]): number {
  return wingDino.reduce((total, dino) => total + dino.distanceAbleToFly, 0);

function getTotalDistanceAbleToTravelInWater(
  waterDino: WaterDinosaur[]
): number {
  return waterDino.reduce((total, dino) => total + dino.distanceAbleToSwim, 0);

This works, but it’d be a pain to have to figure out which dinosaur we have and then select the correct function to use for that dinosaur group. It’d be nice if we could pass our dinosaurs to a single function and get the result we’re after.

Currently, our typing is the limitation stopping us from achieving this. This is where type unions can make a big impact in our code. Type unions use the | (pipe) operator to combine any number of different types and can be read as or. This allows us to create a Dinosaur type that is either a LandDinosaur, an AirDinosaur, or a WaterDinosaur.

type Dinosaur = AirDinosaur | WaterDinosaur | LandDinosaur;

function getTotalDistanceAbleToTravel(dinos: Dinosaur[]): number {
  // ...

This solves our function signature problem and allows us to pass any collection of dinosaurs to our function. However, this introduces two new problems.

Object creation

The first problem comes when creating a dinosaur object. Union types simplify creating an object — we need to pass it keys from any of the types in the union. The only keys that are required are the ones that are shared across all types in the union.

In our case, the only shared key across LandDinosaur, AirDinosaur, and WaterDinosaur is name; anything else is fair game to add as long as the keys are from the same type.

This means we can get type-safe objects that don't make a lot of sense. Take, for example, this pterodactyl object.

const pterodactyl: Dinosaur = {
  name: "pterodactyl",
  distanceAbleToSwim: 500,
  distanceAbleToFly: 900,
  finLength: 60,
  wingLength: 10,

According to TypeScript, type-wise, it is correct, but it doesn’t really make a lot of sense since pterodactyls don’t have fins, and in the context of our types and the function we’re trying to write should only have a distanceAbleToFly property rather than an additional distanceAbleToSwim.

A common solution is to update our types a little to give TypeScript a hint as to what keys can go with each other. We do this by providing a common key across all types and assigning them to a type literal.

In our case, a string literal would provide the most semantic sense, so we will use that. Let’s add a type key to our three types and try to create the pterodactyl object again.

type LandDinosaur = {
  type: "land";
  name: string;
  distanceAbleToWalk: number;
  legLength: number;

type AirDinosaur = {
  type: "air";
  name: string;
  distanceAbleToFly: number;
  wingLength: number;

type WaterDinosaur = {
  type: "water";
  name: string;
  distanceAbleToSwim: number;
  finLength: number;

const pterodactyl: Dinosaur = {
  type: "air",
  name: "pterodactyl",
  distanceAbleToSwim: 500, // ERROR see below
  distanceAbleToFly: 900,
  finLength: 60,

We get an error that says:

Type '{ type: "air"; name: string; distanceAbleToSwim: number; distanceAbleToFly: number; finLength: number; }' is not assignable to type 'Dinosaur'. Object literal may only specify known properties, but 'distanceAbleToSwim' does not exist in type 'AirDinosaur'. Did you mean to write 'distanceAbleToFly'?

This translates to, “you said it’d be an AirDinosaur, but you gave me some stuff, not on AirDinosaur". This solves our first problem of creating objects.

Object use

The second problem with our solution comes with using our typed parameter in our function. Which looks like this (in case it slipped the mind)

type Dinosaur = AirDinosaur | WaterDinosaur | LandDinosaur;

function getTotalDistanceAbleToTravel(dinos: Dinosaur[]): number {
  return dinos.reduce((total, nextDino) => {
    /** ... */
  }, 0);

If we try to use nextDino, there will only be two properties available to us -- name and type.

This is because TypeScript has no idea which type of dinosaur has been passed to it, so the only thing it can say exists on the object is the ones that are shared across all types comprising the union. In order for us to be able to use the distance and length properties of the different dinosaurs, we need to go through a process called type narrowing.

Type narrowing allows us to move from a more general type (like Dinosaur) to a more specific type (like AirDinosaur). There are many ways for us to do this, one being a type literal unique to each type which, luckily for us, we have already implemented when solving the first issue.

To type narrow, we first check the type with an if or switch statement. Inside the context of that conditional typescript is able to discern which type the nextDino is!

function getTotalDistanceAbleToTravel(dinos: Dinosaur[]): number {
  return dinos.reduce((total, nextDino) => {
    if (nextDino.type === "air") {
      return total + nextDino.distanceAbleToFly;

    if (nextDino.type === "water") {
      return total + nextDino.distanceAbleToSwim;

    return total + nextDino.distanceAbleToWalk;
  }, 0);

Note: notice that we never check for nextDino.type to be land. We don’t have to! TypeScript is smart enough to figure out that there are only three types land, water, and air and since we have checked for the first two (air and water) it knows if it gets through those conditionals the type is land.


Enums allow the aliasing of names to a list of numeric values. Like most indexing, enums start their first member at 0.

enum Color {
let greenColor: Color = Color.Green;

Enums can have their first value manually set, or manually set all values

enum Month {
  January = 1,
let feb = Month[2];

enum Month {
  January = 1,
  March = 3,
  May = 5,
let may = Month[5];


Unknown describes a variable where we may not know the type. Variables defined with the unknown type can later be narrowed to more specific types using typeof checks or comparisons.

Note that variables of type unknown have no accessible properties or functions.

let value: unknown = 5;

value = "words";
value.length; // Will give "Object is of type unknown" error

// Will give "Type unknown is not assignable to type string" error
const value2: string = value;

// Check type using typeof
if (typeof value === "string") {
  // Can successfully narrow
  const stringValue: string = value;
  console.log("Length is", stringValue.length);


Any is useful when we want to opt-out of type checking. Using the any type will disable all compile-time checks including access to properties and functions.

This is mostly useful for third-party data structures that we do not know the shape of, or when incrementally opting in to types. Otherwise, in TypeScript, it is not advised to use theany type, do you best to provide typing for data that you're using.

let my3rdPartyData: any = 5;
my3rdPartyData = "five";



No type at all - commonly used with functions that don’t return a value.

function buttonClick(): void {
  console.log("I clicked a button that returns nothing");

Null & undefined

Null and Undefined are two separate types, and subtypes of all other types, meaning they can be assigned to another type like string or number unless the --strictNullChecks flag is used.


The never type represents a value that will never occur.

function error(message: string): never {
  throw new Error(message);

When an error is thrown in the scope of a function that function doesn't return, so this is an instance where never is an appropriate return type.

Type inference

When we don’t provide explicit types for our variables, TypeScript will do its best to infer the types, and it’s very good at it. The following code will not compile due to type inference.

let name = "Sally";
let height = 6;
name = height;
//Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'string'

Type can also be inferred from complex objects.

let person = {
  name: "Sally",
  height: 6,
  address: {
    number: 555,
    street: "Rodeo Drive",
person.name = "Cecilia";
person.name = 6;
//Type '6' is not assignable to type 'string'.
person.address.number = "five fifty-five";
//Type '"five fifty-five"' is not assignable to type 'number'.

TypeScript will infer the return value of a function as well.

function multiplier(a: number, b: number) {
  return a * b;
var multiplied: number = multiplier(2, 3);

var str: string;
str = multiplier(10, 20);
//Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'string'.

Type inference can be a very helpful tool in refactoring code and helping better document expectations for our code.

Type assertions

Type assertions are a way to override the inferring of types. There are two different syntaxes, angle-brackets and as.

let someValue: any = "this is a string";

let strLength: number = (<string>someValue).length;

let otherValue: any = "this is a string";

let otherLength: number = (otherValue as string).length;

The as syntax is usually preferred because the <type> conflicts with JSX syntax.

Exercise: Fix type errors

The Problem

In this exercise, we will learn to spot and correct basic type errors by fixing the type errors.


✏️ Create fix-errors.ts and update it to be:

let isLoading: boolean;
isLoading = true;
isLoading = "false";

let inventory: Array<number> = [];

inventory.push("tacos", "hamburgers");

function greet(name: string, age: number): string {
  return `${name} is ${age} years young.`;

export const jessica = greet(30, "Jessica");

export const tom = greet("Tom", 42, "software");

export { isLoading, inventory };


Create fix-errors.test.ts should look like:

import assert from "node:assert";
import { describe, it } from "node:test";
import { jessica, tom, isLoading, inventory } from "./fix-errors";

describe("Fix Errors", () => {
  it("exports are correct", function () {
    assert.equal(isLoading, false, "isLoading");

    assert.deepEqual(inventory, ["tacos", "hamburgers"], "inventory");

    assert.equal(jessica, `Jessica is 30 years young.`, "jessica");

    assert.equal(tom, `Tom is 42 years young.`, "Tom");

Verify your solution

✏️ Run the following to verify your solution:

npm run test

The solution

Click to see the solution

✏️ Update fix-errors.ts to look like:

let isLoading: boolean;
isLoading = true;
isLoading = false;

let inventory: Array<string> = [];

inventory.push("tacos", "hamburgers");

function greet(name: string, age: number): string {
  return `${name} is ${age} years young.`;

export const jessica = greet("Jessica", 30);

export const tom = greet("Tom", 42);

export { isLoading, inventory };

Exercise: Date it

The problem

✏️ Create the file date-exports.ts

let date;

export default date;

In this exercise, we will create our own typed variable by:

  • Create a let variable that takes a type of Date.
  • Assign that variable to an instance of Date
  • Export that variable as the default export.

What you need to know

  • Use new Date() to create an instance of Date.


Create date-exports.test.ts and update it to be:

import assert from "node:assert";
import "mocha";
import date from "./date-exports";

import { readFileSync } from "fs";
import { join } from "path";

describe("types tests", () => {
  it("exports a date", function () {
    assert.ok(date instanceof Date, "date instance");

  it("labels variable as Date", function () {
    var source = "" + readFileSync(join(__dirname, "2b-date-export.ts"));
    assert.ok(/\:\s*Date/.test(source), "defines something as a date");

npm run test

The solution

Click to see the solution

✏️ Update date-export.ts to create, assign, and export a date variable.

let date: Date;
date = new Date("6-11-1993");
export default date;