IDE Support page

Learn about good IDEs for TypeScript development.


In this section, we’ll look at IDEs that have great TypeScript support for building TypeScript projects.


Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) have come a long way in supporting modern web development. With little to no configuration, IDEs offer built-in debugging, git integration, command line usage, and robust packages for additional add-ons.

Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is Microsoft’s modern take on an IDE for app development (p.s. TypeScript is a Microsoft open source project). VS Code has built in TypeScript support for syntax highlighting, IntelliSense code completion, and linting.

Screenshot of a TypeScript file in VS Code. When the name of a variable is hovered over, VS Code displays a popover with the interface of the variable as well as interface’s implementation so it’s easier to see what is in the interface.


WebStorm is a platform by JetBrains that is loved for its great code refactoring assistance and version control integration, but it does require a paid subscription.

Screenshot of a TypeScript file in WebStorm. When the name of a variable is hovered over, WebStorm displays a popover with the interface of the variable.


StackBlitz is a web IDE that’s quick to set up. It can be run entirely from the browser and it provides features such as linting, code suggestions, etc. You can start a project easily, but you’ll need to sign in with a GitHub account to save your work.

Screenshot of a TypeScript file in StackBlitz. When the name of a variable is hovered over, StackBlitz displays a popover with the interface of the variable.

Next steps

Next, let’s set up your local environment and create a new TypeScript project.