Introduction to React page

Discover why React is a great choice for modern web application development.


React first appeared in 2013 with "components" as the basic building block for constructing a user interface. Initially, components were created using JavaScript classes, which implemented an interface that defined lifecycle methods. One of React's notable characteristics has existed from the very beginning: the use of JSX syntax to define the structure of a component.

Key React Concepts

Declarative Syntax

Through JSX, React "declares" how a UI looks based on the current state. This is different from typical web application development where a UI is constructed using imperative methods such as creating an element setting properties and then attaching it to the DOM.

Unidirectional data flow

Data in a React based application flows one way: into a component through props or state then the user interface is rendered, user interactions cause changes to state, changes to state cause props to be updated and passed to the component again - restarting the cycle.

Virtual DOM

React's Virtual DOM allows React to quickly determine when the user interface needs to be updated; since updates to the browser's DOM are time-consuming only making them when necessary is critical to React's rendering performance. When the state provided to a React component changes the React framework will invoke the component (or the render method of a class component) and compare the result to the Virtual DOM. If the results are the same no action is taken, if the results are different the browser's DOM is updated to reflect the new Virtual DOM state.

Functional components and Hooks

A major change occurred in 2019 with the introduction of functional components and Hooks. A component can now be defined using a single function, the component can manage its internal data and functionality through the use of hooks, which are functions that provide data to a component or cause the component to render.

Server and Client rendering

Since version 18 was released, the React team has responded to requests for server-side rendering with React Server Components. In this new mode, components default to rendering on the server, improving initial browser display performance. Any components that can not render on the server or have been explicitly marked as requiring client-side rendering are rendered on the client.

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