Setting Up a GraphQL Server with Apollo page

This GraphQL tutorial will take you through creating different entities, how to create a server using Apollo Server 4, and some of the plugins available to use. We will go through queries, mutations, dealing with the resolver chain (A.K.A entity resolution). We’ll talk a bit about growing our graph including update mutations and introduce some error handling. Then we’ll go over directives that are available for the maintenance of your graph, and then end with adding some cache control for some fields within an entity.

Our Application

We are going to create a baseline application that has three main entities: renters, properties, and propertyOwners. This application will create some create/read endpoints for the following entities, and establish the different relationships between renters, properties, and propertyOwners. We want to start building an application that allows renters to find roommates as well as properties that are owned by property owners.


Open up a directory and let’s call it node-graphql-2023. From there run npm init and then run the following command to install the necessary packages:

npm i @apollo/server body-parser cors express graphql

Note: With the Update of Apollo Server 4, the intention is to focus on improving Apollo Server’s extensibility and making it simpler to use, maintain, and document. This means that @apollo/server combines numerous smaller packages, namely startStandaloneServer and expressMiddleware functions.

Apollo Server 4 Contents

  • The ApolloServer class
  • An Express 4 integration (similar to apollo-server-express)
  • A standalone server (startStandaloneServer)
  • And a set of core plugins

Apollo Server 4 Changes

  • You can pass your context initialization function directly to whatever framework you are using in its integration function rather than the ApolloServer constructor (we will see this later in the tutorial)

  • You are responsible for setting up HTTP body parsing and CORS

  • You need to specify a path for your server to listen on explicitly, whereas before it would default to /graphql

Note: The Apollo Server core team no longer supports the following packages:

  • apollo-server-fastify
  • apollo-server-hapi
  • apollo-server-koa
  • apollo-server-lambda
  • apollo-server-micro
  • apollo-server-cloud-functions
  • apollo-server-cloudflare
  • apollo-server-azure-functions

Your package.json should look something like this:

  "name": "node-graphql-2023",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "",
  "main": "index.js",
  "scripts": {
    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",
    "start": "node --watch ./index.js"
  "engines": {
    "node": ">=18.6.0",
    "npm": ">=8.13.0"
  "dependencies": {
    "@apollo/server": "^4.3.0",
    "body-parser": "^1.20.1",
    "cors": "^2.8.5",
    "express": "^4.18.2",
    "graphql": "^16.6.0"

Note: Notice that there is a lock on the engine for node and that is because we will be using some experimental features from node@18.6.0 namely the --watch flag removing our need to install packages like nodemon.

Next we will be creating our basic server, create an index.js with the following code:

const { ApolloServer } = require('@apollo/server');
const { expressMiddleware } = require('@apollo/server/express4');
const { ApolloServerPluginDrainHttpServer } = require('@apollo/server/plugin/drainHttpServer');
const express = require('express');
const http = require('http');
const cors = require('cors');
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const { typeDefs, resolvers } = require('./src');

const app = express();
const httpServer = http.createServer(app);

const server = new ApolloServer({
    plugins: [
        ApolloServerPluginDrainHttpServer({ httpServer })

async function main() {
    await server.start();

        // 50mb is the limit that `startStandaloneServer` uses, but you may configure this to suit your needs
        bodyParser.json({ limit: '50mb' }),
        // expressMiddleware accepts the same arguments:
        // an Apollo Server instance and optional configuration options
        expressMiddleware(server, {
            context: async ({ req }) => ({ token: req.headers.token }),
    await new Promise((resolve) => httpServer.listen({ port: 4000 }, resolve));
    console.log(`🚀  Server ready at http://localhost:4000/`);


Currently don’t worry about the typeDefs and resolvers as we will be defining those soon within the /src folder. These represent our schema definitions and resolvers which is how we will resolve different fields, entities, queries and mutations. We use a plugin called ApolloServerPluginDrainHttpServer which is used to ensure that the node server closes down correctly. Next we create a main function so that we can call await server.start() and we are unable to do that outside of an async function. We will then apply our middleware, which will set up our server to have CORS enabled, the ability to pass in a json object in a body to the server, and lastly we include expressMiddleware to pass in the parameters we want to include in our context within GraphQL resolvers. Later we will include our database connection (SQL, noSQL or an ORM) in this method.

Note: We don’t use startStandaloneServer because it does not provide out-of-the-box support for middleware. It is more used for getting simple servers up and running.

Schema Creation and Separation

Next we are going to create our /src folder: This will include the following sub-folders: common, properties, propertyOwners, renters. We are creating separate folders for each of the entities so that we can introduce the idea of schema stitching which is essentially putting all the schemas that are separate into one big schema. By keeping these schemas separate, it makes it much easier to maintain and read as the project grows. We will add to the common sub-folder later.

Renter Entity

The first schema we are going to make is for the Renter entity. We are going to create the following files: index.js, dataSource.js, resolver.js, and schema.js within the /src/renters folder. We are separating out each file so that the methods that will interact with our data source (for now it will be a local data file, but later will be a database), will be put in our dataSource.js file. The type definitions for the renter schema, will be put in the schema.js file. The object containing how we will resolve the Renter entity, queries, and mutations will be in the resolver.js file. Resolvers are a series of functions that are responsible for populating the data for a single field in your schema, while the dataSource should only contain methods we wish to expose on how to interact with our data. As a result of the logical separation of concerns, we want to have that code also be separate.

Renter Schema

The first thing we will do is define an entity called Renter, and create baseline Queries and Mutations to cover our application. We will include one input type as the input for the createRenter method signature:

const typeDefs = `#graphql
    type Renter {
        id: ID!
        name: String!
        city: String!
        rating: Float
        roommates: [Renter]

    input CreateRenterInput {
        name: String!
        city: String!
        # need ID to attach roommate to renter
        roommates: [ID]

    type Query {
        renters: [Renter]
        getRenterById(renterId: ID!): Renter

    type Mutation {
        createRenter(createRenterInput: CreateRenterInput): Renter

module.exports = {

Note: By using the #graphql in front of a template string we are able to have syntax highlighting for GraphQL.

Another thing to note is that our input uses roommates as a list of IDs rather than a list of Renters, that way we can grab the information from our dataSource and we don’t have to supply potentially invalid or out of date information for the roommates field. When we return the roommates field we will be covering the topic of entity resolution, but we will address this in the resolver.js file.

Renter Resolver

We are going to write the code that will deal with the resolution process of the Queries and Mutations we have written out above:

const {
} = require('./dataSource');

const resolvers = {
    Renter: {
        roommates(parent) {
            return => getRenterById(roommateId));
    Query: {
        getRenterById: (_parent, args) => {
            return getRenterById(args.renterId);
        renters: () => getAllRenters()
    Mutation: {
        createRenter: (_parent, args) => {
            return createRenter(args.createRenterInput);

module.exports = {

You will see that in general when we don’t use a parameter in a method signature, we typically preface it with a _ in order to indicate that we won’t use that parameter within the function. Another thing to notice is that our data logic is entirely separated into our dataSource file, so we will have to create those referenced functions above.

Renter entity resolution

When we mentioned that we would have to include a method to resolve that list of IDs for roommates and somehow turn that into a list of Renter objects this concept is known as entity resolution. We will accomplish this by adding a specific field resolution for roommates within the Renter type in our resolver object. We will call getRenterById to pull the information we need from the IDs provided so that our queries don’t throw an error expecting a type Renter but receiving a type of ID.

Renter dataSource

We will be using a global package called crypto that was added to Node that will help us to generate unique id’s for our createRenter mutation. Otherwise the other two Query methods are pretty self-explanatory: getRenterById will take an ID and return a found Renter entity, while getAllRenters will return all the renters in the system:

const crypto = require('crypto');
let { renters } = require('../../data');

function getRenterById(renterId) {
    return renters.find((renter) => === renterId);

function createRenter(renter) {
    const newRenter = {
        id: crypto.randomUUID(),
        rating: 0,
        roommates: renter.roommates || []
    renters = [
    return newRenter;

function getAllRenters() {
    return renters;

module.exports = {

For the createRenter method we don’t need to pass in a rating as it will be a field that will get updated by another mutation down the line, but during creation the default rating should be 0.

Export Renter Schema and Resolver

We will also create an index.js file within the renter folder with the following code in order to export our schema and resolver so it can be stitched together:

const { resolvers } = require('./resolver');
const { typeDefs } = require('./schema');

module.exports = {

Next we have to create an index.js file within /src so that we are able to start the schema stitching process and export one set of resolvers and typeDefs to our Apollo Server initialization:

const {
} = require('@graphql-tools/merge');

const {
    resolvers: renterResolvers,
    typeDefs: renterTypeDefs
} = require('./renters');

const typeDefs = mergeTypeDefs([

const resolvers = mergeResolvers([

module.exports = {

As we create resolvers for property and propertyOwner we will be adding to the lists passed to the mergeTypeDefs method and the mergeResolvers method.

Note: Rather than needing the entire @graphql-tools library, we only need to install @graphql-tools/merge which reduces our overall dependency size. We still need to define some baseline data values for renters so we will do that next.

Renter Data

Go to the top level of the project and create a file called data.js. We populate the object to match the schema definition we defined earlier, and it will look like this:

const renters = [
        id: 'fdbe21a8-3eb3-4a70-a3b9-357c2af5acec',
        name: 'renter 1',
        city: 'Toronto',
        rating: 4,
        roommates: []
        id: 'd83323ad-7dbf-4b71-8ee9-47dcf136cc18',
        name: 'renter 2',
        city: 'Toronto',
        rating: 3.5,
        roommates: []

// Create renter/roommate relation

module.exports = {

Pause Step: With this we should be able to test out our Renter endpoints in the Apollo Studio Sandbox.

PropertyOwner Entity

Overall we want some baseline fields that represent what sort of information we may want to display from a property owner, but namely we want to set up a relationship between a property owner and a property. We will accomplish this via the properties field. Like the renter folder, we are going to create a schema, resolver, and dataSource as well as a file to export our typeDefs and resolvers created for schema stitching.

PropertyOwner Schema

const typeDefs = `#graphql
    type PropertyOwner {
        id: ID!
        name: String!
        address: String!
        rating: Float
        properties: [Property]
        photo: String

    input CreatePropertyOwnerInput {
        name: String!
        address: String!
        properties: [ID]
        photo: String

    type Query {
        propertyOwners: [PropertyOwner]
        getPropertyOwnerById(propertyOwnerId: ID!): PropertyOwner

    type Mutation {
        createPropertyOwner(createPropertyOwnerInput: CreatePropertyOwnerInput): PropertyOwner

module.exports = {

Note: You’ll start to notice a pattern here with the base get/create query/mutations within the schemas.

PropertyOwner Resolver

While most of the get/create methods are following the same sort of pattern, the interesting part of this is the entity resolution required for the properties field within PropertyOwner:

const {
} = require('./dataSource');
const {
} = require('../properties/dataSource');

const resolvers = {
    PropertyOwner: {
        properties(parent, _args) {
            return => getPropertyById(propertyId));
    Query: {
        getPropertyOwnerById: (_parent, args) => {
            return getPropertyOwnerById(args.propertyOwnerId);
        propertyOwners: () => getAllPropertyOwners()
    Mutation: {
        createPropertyOwner: (_parent, args) => {
            return createPropertyOwner(args.createPropertyOwnerInput);

module.exports = {

PropertyOwner properties field resolution

Our resolver for the properties field will need to call the getPropertyById function from our Property dataSource in order to resolve the list of IDs and return a Property object (however in order for us to be able to test these mutations/queries, we will need to complete the Property dataSource and schema).

PropertyOwner dataSource

This will follow a similar paradigm to the renter dataSource:

const crypto = require('crypto');
let { propertyOwners } = require('../../data');

function getPropertyOwnerById(propertyOwnerId) {
    return propertyOwners.find(
        (propertyOwner) => === propertyOwnerId

function createPropertyOwner(propertyOwner) {
    const newPropertyOwner = {
        id: crypto.randomUUID(),
        address: propertyOwner.address,
        properties: || [],

    propertyOwners = [
    return newPropertyOwner;

function getAllPropertyOwners() {
    return propertyOwners;

module.exports = {

Note: You can copy and paste the index.js from src/renters to src/propertyOwners as well as the src/properties folders. Since the import/export of these folders follow the same exact structure.

PropertyOwner Schema Stitching

Remember to add the following lines to your /src/index.js file in order to export the merged typeDefs and resolvers:

const {
    resolvers: propertyOwnerResolvers,
    typeDefs: propertyOwnerTypeDefs
} = require('./propertyOwners');

const typeDefs = mergeTypeDefs([

const resolvers = mergeResolvers([

PropertyOwner Data

Now we need to create a list of property owners within our data.js file, and we’ll add the following lines:

const propertyOwners = [
        id: 'c173abf2-648d-4df8-a839-b12c9117277e',
        name: 'owner 1',
        address: 'Toronto',
        rating: 4.0,
        properties: [],
        photo: 'something'
        id: 'a09092cf-b99d-44c5-8dd6-68229d0258b5',
        name: 'owner 2',
        address: 'Toronto',
        rating: 4.0,
        properties: [],
        photo: 'something'

module.exports = {

Pause Step: With this we won’t be able to test our endpoints in Apollo Studio Sandbox because we currently have no way to resolve the properties field within the PropertyOwner object.

Property Entity

Each property will have some basic information about it, a unique id, and will have connections to both the renter entity, and the propertyOwner entity. This will allow you to see if a property currently has tenants, and who the owner is as well as their contact information.

Property Schema

const typeDefs = `#graphql
    type Property {
        id: ID!
        name: String!
        city: String!
        available: Boolean
        description: String
        photos: [String]
        rating: Float
        renters: [Renter]
        propertyOwner: PropertyOwner!

    input CreatePropertyInput {
        name: String!
        city: String!
        available: Boolean
        description: String
        photos: [String]
        # need ID to attach renter to renters
        renters: [ID]
        propertyOwnerId: ID!

    type Query {
        getPropertyById(propertyId: ID!): Property
        properties: [Property]

    type Mutation {
        createProperty(createPropertyInput: CreatePropertyInput): Property

module.exports = {

The only thing to note is that during the creation of a property entity, we are requiring the propertyOwnerId field to be filled. Essentially saying you need to have a person attached to the property for contact purposes.

Property Resolver

This entity is interesting since we now need to define two resolver methods: one for the renters field and the other for the propertyOwner field. In this case we will have to import the methods from their respective dataSource files. It will look like the following:

const {
} = require('./dataSource');
const {
} = require('../propertyOwners/dataSource');
const {
} = require('../renters/dataSource');

const resolvers = {
    Property: {
        renters(parent) {
            return => getRenterById(renterId));
        propertyOwner(parent) {
            return getPropertyOwnerById(parent.propertyOwner);
    Query: {
        getPropertyById: (_parent, args) => {
            return getPropertyById(args.propertyId);
        properties: () => getAllProperties()
    Mutation: {
        createProperty: (_parent, args) => {
            return createProperty(args.createPropertyInput);

module.exports = {

Property dataSource

Creating the core methods getEntityById, getAllEntities and createProperty will be following the similar format to before:

const crypto = require('crypto');
let { properties } = require('../../data');

function getPropertyById(propertyId) {
    return properties.find(
        (property) => === propertyId

function createProperty(property) {
    const newProperty = {
        available: property.available,
        description: property.description,
        id: crypto.randomUUID(),
        photos: || [],
        propertyOwner: property.propertyOwnerId,
        rating: 0,
        renters: property.renters || []

    properties = [,
    return newProperty;

function getAllProperties() {
    return properties;

module.exports = {

Note: Don’t forget to copy and paste the index.js from src/renters to src/properties!

Property Schema Stitching

Remember to add the following lines to your /src/index.js file in order to export the merged typeDefs and resolvers:

const {
    resolvers: propertyResolvers,
    typeDefs: propertyTypeDefs
} = require('./properties');

const typeDefs = mergeTypeDefs([

const resolvers = mergeResolvers([


Now we need to create the data that will match our properties schema, so we will add the following lines to the data.js file:

const properties = [
        id: '86d401bb-cc8a-40f6-b3fc-396e6ddabb1a',
        name: 'Deluxe suite 1',
        city: 'Toronto',
        rating: 5.0,
        renters: [renters[0].id],
        available: true,
        description: 'amazing place 1',
        photos: [],
        propertyOwner: propertyOwners[0].id
        id: 'bcc2bb10-c919-42ae-8f6c-d24dba29c62f',
        name: 'Deluxe suite 2',
        city: 'Toronto',
        rating: 5.0,
        renters: [renters[1].id],
        available: true,
        description: 'amazing place 2',
        photos: [],
        propertyOwner: propertyOwners[1].id

// Create propertyOwner/property relation

module.exports = {

Pause Step: Now we can test our endpoints for both properties and propertyOwners now that we have data, entity resolution, and schema stitching in place.

Introducing Error Handling

For all our endpoints so far we have always assumed the method would succeed, but what if it didn’t? That’s where having a generic Error type would help so that we can capture that error as part of its expected behavior. When throwing these errors, we want to ensure we have a human-readable error. But to start we are going to create a baseline Error interface in our schema. Since this is something that will be shared across schemas, we will add it to the src/common folder. Let’s create a schema.js within this folder and add the following:

const typeDefs = `#graphql
    interface Error {
        message: String!

module.exports = {

Note: You must make sure to add an index.js within src/common so that you can export typeDefs from this schema file.

We will also need to add the typeDefs we made to be included in the schema stitching. We will add the following lines of code to our src/index.js:

const {
    typeDefs: commonTypeDefs
} = require('./common');

const typeDefs = mergeTypeDefs([

Adding an Update mutation

Now that we have baseline create/read methods for each of the entities we are going to go through how we will add an update mutation. First thing we will add is the updateProperty method to the schema and create a new input type UpdatePropertyInput. We will also be creating a Union type called UpdatePropertyResult which is a Union of either a Property, or a PropertyNotFoundError. In practice when we want to update a property, so far we will either be passed a valid id contained in our dataSource, or an invalid one, which means we will return this PropertyNotFoundError:

input UpdatePropertyInput {
    id: ID!
    name: String
    city: String
    available: Boolean
    description: String
    photos: [String]
    rating: Float
    # need ID to attach renter to renters
    renters: [ID]
    propertyOwner: ID

type PropertyNotFoundError implements Error {
    message: String!
    propertyId: ID!

union UpdatePropertyResult = Property | PropertyNotFoundError

type Mutation {
    createProperty(createPropertyInput: CreatePropertyInput): Property
    updateProperty(updatePropertyInput: UpdatePropertyInput): UpdatePropertyResult

We have created a type PropertyNotFoundError which will extend our base error type. By doing this, PropertyNotFoundError has to have a non-nullable field message and then we add another field propertyId to return to the user the incorrect id passed to the method. We cannot have a return type of our mutation be Property | PropertyNotFoundError so we must create a Union type and set that as the return type of the mutation.

Next we have to add the logic for the updateProperty within our resolver, so we will add the following lines to src/properties/dataSource.js:

const {
} = require('./dataSource');

Mutation: {
    updateProperty: (_parent, args) => {
        return updateProperty(, args.updatePropertyInput);

Note: The ... signifies the code you already have in that snippet.

Now we need to define the core logic of the updateProperty method within our dataSource file, we will add the following lines to dataSource.js:

const { PropertyNotFoundError } = require('../../errors');

function updateProperty(propertyId, updatedProperty) {
    const foundPropertyIndex = properties.findIndex(
        (aProperty) => === propertyId

    if (foundPropertyIndex < 0) {
        return PropertyNotFoundError(propertyId);

    properties[foundPropertyIndex] = {[foundPropertyIndex],

    return {
        __typename: 'Property',[foundPropertyIndex]

Note: We defined an error type called PropertyNotFoundError so that we can return an object with that same type.

We’ll need to create an /errors folder and we’ll create a PropertyNotFoundError.js file in that folder as well as the index.js we will use to export that error (and set the stage for future errors we’ll create). This function will take a propertyId and return an object that has a message field and a propertyId field. You’ll also notice we have to add another field: __typename. This is used so that when we are resolving the return type of our update method, it will be a valid return type that we defined in our union. If we didn’t include the __typename field, then the resolver has no way of knowing what type it is, and will cause an error during the resolution process.

Our PropertyNotFoundError.js will look like this:

function PropertyNotFoundError(propertyId) {
    return {
        __typename: 'PropertyNotFoundError',
        message: 'Unable to find property with associated id.',

module.exports = {

Pause Step: Now we should be able to test our update method in Apollo Studio Sandbox.

In order to test the endpoint you will need to use the ...on for the potential return types for updateProperty which will look something like this:

mutation UpdateProperty($updatePropertyInput: UpdatePropertyInput) {
  updateProperty(updatePropertyInput: $updatePropertyInput) {
     ...on PropertyNotFoundError {
     ...on Property {

Growing your schema and things to keep in mind

As we grow our schema, especially when serving multiple customers or clients, we have to keep in mind what changes might be considered “breaking” changes. The breaking changes are as follows:

  • Removing a type or field
  • Renaming a type or field
  • Adding nullability to a field where the field was previously non-nullable
  • Adding non-nullability to a field where the field was previously non-nullable
  • Removing a field’s arguments

One thing we can do is create a new field to an object and set the old field as deprecated, giving some time before making those breaking changes. This can be helpful to coordinate with front-end teams or other members that will use the endpoints you are creating, while keeping the endpoints stable for users that consume your API. The good news is that GraphQL has some built-in directives that can help us accomplish just that, in fact there is a deprecated directive that we can use! Let’s add the following lines to the src/renters/schema.js file:

type Renter {
    deprecatedField: Boolean @deprecated(reason: "Use nonDeprecatedField.")
    nonDeprecatedField: Boolean
input CreateRenterInput {
    deprecatedField: Boolean @deprecated(reason: "Use nonDeprecatedField.")
    nonDeprecatedField: Boolean

Note: To use a directive you need to start with a @ symbol followed by the name of the directive you are using. This directive is actually a function which will take a parameter reason which will display to the user when attempting to use the deprecatedField. The deprecated directive can be used with the following types: FIELD_DEFINITION | ARGUMENT_DEFINITION | INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION | ENUM_VALUE.

Pause Step: Check this out in Apollo Studio Sandbox and you will see the deprecated message!

Setting up a caching mechanism

Since we are utilizing the power of directives when updating fields, we can also use it to start some ground work on caching some of our entities or fields within them. To do this we will be using a plugin offered by our @apollo/server library. We will add it to our ApolloServer initialization by passing it within the plugins field which you can see below (located in our top-level index.js):

const { ApolloServerPluginCacheControl } = require('@apollo/server/plugin/cacheControl');

const server = new ApolloServer({
    plugins: [
        ApolloServerPluginDrainHttpServer({ httpServer }),
            // Cache everything for 1 second by default.
            defaultMaxAge: 1,
            // Don’t send the `cache-control` response header.
            calculateHttpHeaders: false,

Next we will have to define the @cacheControl directive; and since this is something we will use across multiple graphs, we will add it to our src/common/schema.js file:

enum CacheControlScope {

directive @cacheControl(
    maxAge: Int
    scope: CacheControlScope
    inheritMaxAge: Boolean

The arguments for @cacheControl perform the following:

  • maxAge: The maximum amount of time the field’s cached value is valid, in seconds. The default value is 0, but you can set a different default.
  • scope: If PRIVATE, the field’s value is specific to a single user. The default value is PUBLIC.
  • inheritMaxAge: If true, this field inherits the maxAge of its parent field instead of using the default maxAge. Not not provide maxAge if you provide this argument.

We will keep things simple for now, and have a few fields that we would like cached for 60 seconds. Let’s navigate to src/properties/schema.js and change the following fields under Property:

type Property {
    rating: Float @cacheControl(maxAge: 60)
    propertyOwner: PropertyOwner! @cacheControl(maxAge: 60)

These are fields that we think will not change often, and so these might be fields we would like to cache for some time. This will mean that it will only call the resolver function for propertyOwner or rating after 60 seconds for the same input, using a previously cached field value.


During this tutorial we walked through setting up a multi-schema GraphQL server, using updated features from Node v18, Apollo Server 4, and Graphql 16.6. We looked into entity resolution when dealing with fields that reference other entities we have in dataSources. We looked into creating an update method for properties and starting our Error Handling processes, and introduced a use-case for Union types. We talked a little about schema maintenance, and how different directives can be used to notify deprecated fields, as well as introducing a little bit of Cache Control as well. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial, and next we will talk about introducing a live database and integrating it with our server!

At the end of this tutorial you should have a server looking similar or identical to this.