Production Readiness page

Learn to reduce the size of docker images.


We want to make our image as lightweight as possible. Reducing image size will make it faster to pull and run in production. In its current state, our simple Node.js app is a staggering 944MB!

$ docker image ls my-node-app
REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
my-node-app         latest              78ef31600011        7 seconds ago       944MB

We’re going to explore two simple ways to make our image small and ready for production.

Base Image Variants

The simplest and most significant change is updating the FROM instruction in our Dockerfile. The node:15 image is 935MB. That’s 99% of our image!

$ docker image ls node
REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
node                15                  969d445a1755        6 days ago          935MB

Docker provides a set of official images that are designed to provide drop-in solutions for popular runtimes and services. Many of these images provide variants of the image based on a developer’s requirements. The node image repository on Dockerhub has 3 main variants:

  • node:<version>: This is the standard image that contains everything you’ll need to run node. It’s often the default choice if your specific needs and requirements are unclear. It’s also the largest of all the variants.
  • node:<version>-slim: The "slim" variant contains only the necessary packages needed to run node. It is a good choice if your image only requires node and can operate without other external dependencies like gcc.
  • node:<version>-alpine: Instead of using debian as the base image, The alpine variant uses Alpine Linux. The alpine Docker image is designed to be as minimal as possible at only 5MB in size.

Pulling these images into our local registry from Dockerhub using docker pull, allows us to inspect the size difference between the node variants

$ docker pull node:15
$ docker pull node:15-slim
$ docker pull node:15-alpine
$ docker image ls node
REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
node                15-slim             4b7012d853dc        6 days ago          159MB
node                15                  969d445a1755        6 days ago          935MB
node                15-alpine           7ddc154413f5        7 days ago          109MB

As you can see, node:15-slim is 159MB, a fraction of the size of node:15. Meanwhile, node:15-alpine is even smaller at 109MB. As a general rule, you’ll want to use the smallest base image that meets your needs.

Updating our FROM instruction

Update FROM node:15 in our Dockerfile to FROM node:15-alpine. The whole file should now look like this:

FROM node:15-alpine


COPY src src
COPY package.json .

RUN npm install
CMD npm start

Now rebuild the image with an alpine tag

docker build -t my-node-app:alpine .

Finally, lets compare the difference:

$ docker image ls my-node-app
REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
my-node-app         alpine              a86e7ef34019        12 seconds ago      118MB
my-node-app         latest              78ef31600011        18 minutes ago      944MB

By using the alpine node image variant, we’ve reduced the total image size by 87.5%!

Multi-Stage Builds

We are using npm install to install application dependencies during the Docker build phase. By default, npm install installs both standard and dev dependencies. We want to conditionally install all dependencies when building for local development, but only download standard dependencies with npm install --only=prod when building to run in production.

A multi-stage build is a Dockerfile with multiple FROM instructions. This is typically done to keep the final image size down by separating what is required to build an application from what is required to run it by allowing selective artifacts to be copied from one stage to another.

This is especially powerful in compiled languages like Go or Java where multi-stage builds can be used to have your first stage compile the source code into a runtime artifact and then only the runtime artifact is copied into a leaner final image.


By using the --target cli argument when building our image, we can tell Docker to stop building at a specific stage. We will use this alone with a prod stage and a dev stage to give us our desired result.

Replace our Node.js app’s Dockerfile to the following:

FROM node:15-alpine as prod

COPY src src
COPY package.json .

RUN npm install --only=prod
CMD npm run start:prod

FROM prod as dev
RUN npm install --only=dev
CMD npm start

Most of the Dockerfile remains the same with some notable exceptions:

  • FROM node:15-alpine as prod: We added as prod here to give our stage a name.
  • RUN npm install --only=prod: We added --only=prod to tell npm to ignore dev dependencies when building for production.
  • CMD npm run start:prod: We updated our CMD to start:prod to run our app with node instead of nodemon. start:prod is defined in package.json
  • FROM prod as dev: We are starting a new stage called dev and using our prod stage as the base image.
  • RUN npm install --only=dev: Install only dev dependencies because we’ve already installed standard dependencies in the prerequisite prod stage
  • CMD npm start: Start the container with nodemon

Now when building our image, we can provide --target=prod or --target=dev to customize our final image. If we run docker build without the --target flag, it will run all stages by default, but we will be explicit with --target=dev

# Build our prod image
docker build -t my-node-app:prod --target=prod .

# Build our dev image
docker build -t my-node-app:dev --target=dev .

# Compare the results
$ docker image ls my-node-app
REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
my-node-app         dev                 57966959f28a        13 seconds ago      118MB
my-node-app         prod                739cd7430f03        25 seconds ago      115MB
my-node-app         alpine              a86e7ef34019        54 minutes ago      118MB
my-node-app         latest              78ef31600011        About an hour ago   944MB

The savings in size we see in this example are trivial (3MB) because we only have the one dev dependency (nodemon). The savings and complexity added from utilizing multi-stage builds increases as the number of dependencies increases. Running nodemon is also more memory and cpu intensive so there are also underlying performance savings with this approach.

There are a lot of powerful things you can do with multi-stage builds. Check out the Official Docs for more inspiration.

Test our images

Let’s run both prod and dev images to make sure they work. Notice when we run our prod image, we don’t bother mounting our local source code as nodemon is not running to enable reloading.

# Start Dev image
$ docker run --name my-dev-container -p 8000:8000 -d -v "$(pwd)"/src:/app/src my-node-app:dev

# Start Prod image
$ docker run --name my-prod-container -p 9000:8000 -d my-node-app:prod

# Test Dev container
$ curl localhost:8000
Hello Bitovi!

# Test Prod container
$ curl localhost:9000
Hello Bitovi!

# Kill our containers
docker rm -f my-dev-container my-prod-container

A word of caution

Using multi-stage builds to customize container behavior can create issues where an image works locally, but doesn’t work in production. Be sure to test your production image during your CI pipeline or before committing to source control.


Our Dockerfile has been updated to be significantly smaller from a smaller base image and eliminating unnecessary dependencies. We also use multi-stage builds to allow local development to still be done efficiently.

With all this complexity, there are a lot of cli commands and flags to remember. In the last section, we will be looking at using docker-compose to simplify the building and running of images.