Define Todo Model page

Learn how to create an observable type in CanJS.

The problem

  • Define a Todo type as the export of models/todo.js, where:
    • It is a DefineMap type.
    • The id or name property values are coerced into a string.
    • Its complete property is a Boolean that defaults to false.
    • It has a toggleComplete method that flips complete to the opposite value.

Example test code:

const todo = new Todo({id: 1, name: 2});
QUnit.equal(, "1", "id is a string");
QUnit.equal(, "2", "name is a string");
QUnit.equal(todo.complete, false, "complete defaults to false");
QUnit.equal(todo.complete, true, "toggleComplete works");

What you need to know

  • DefineMap Basics Presentation

  • DefineMap.extend defines a new Type.

    import {DefineMap} from "can";
    const MyType = DefineMap.extend("MyType",{});
    var instance = new MyType();
    console.log( instance instanceof MyType ) //logs true
- The type behavior defines a property’s type like:
import {DefineMap} from "can";

const Person = DefineMap.extend("Person",{
    age: {type: "number"}

console.log( new Person({age: "3"}).age ) //logs 3
  • The default behavior defines a property’s initial value like:

    import {DefineMap} from "can";
    const Person = DefineMap.extend("Person",{
        age: {default: 3}
    console.log( new Person().age ) //logs 3
  • Methods can be defined directly on the prototype like:

    import {DefineMap} from "can";
    const Type = DefineMap.extend("Type",{
        methodName() {
            console.log("run method");
    var instance = new Type();
    instance.methodName() //logs "run method"

The solution

Click to see the solution

Create models/todo.js as follows:

// models/todo.js
import {DefineMap} from "can";

const Todo = DefineMap.extend("Todo", {
    id: "string",
    name: "string",
    complete: {
        type: "boolean",
        default: false
    toggleComplete() {
        this.complete = !this.complete;

export default Todo;