DevOps demystified.
Download our free ebook that explains the basics of DevOps in terms you'll understand.
The Complete Guide to DevOps answers questions like:
- What is Infrastructure as Code?
- Are DevOps and Platform Engineering the same?
How does DevOps delivery cycle work?
Want our expertise on your next project? Let's talk.
Yum! is one of many companies that have trusted us with their product delivery - and we'd love to add you to our list of happy clients. Tell us what you're working on, and how we can help.
Project & Product Management
Product Design
Say goodbye to the mythical person-month.
Every experienced developer has seen a team become utterly demoralized by unrealistic goals. What you may not have seen - and what Bitovi's experts can offer - is the excitement and invigoration of a team following a delivery pattern that "clicks" together, where every milestone is a victory, and there's a high level of visibility into what's next. Our project and product managers are experts in setting teams up for success without compromising swift delivery. We'll help you choose the right methodology for the project, assess parameters, and set timelines that get you to your goals. Your team will tell you they've never been more productive - or less stressed.
Design can do more for your app than make it pretty.
Product design tends to be an afterthought in development, but our experience tells us that folding design into the build process can be the secret to an unbelievably powerful product. Good development will deliver an app that works exactly as you hoped it would. Good design will ensure the app works for your users - and without delighting that critical audience, the product cannot possibly be as successful as it deserves to be. Bitovi can help you leverage design to ensure your product is working toward your largest goals.
Built the right way. Every time.
Your code is the architectural blueprint of your product, and you want it to be built in a way that can be improved, iterated on, and evolved for the future. Our teams are experts in frontend and backend development, with specialties in JavaScript, React, Angular, Vue, and Node.js, so we can help you build that strong foundation. More than that, though, we're experienced problem-solvers and communicators who come with a toolbox of best practices. Our clients tell us our influence has reshaped their entire process for the better long after our consultation is over.
Smooth deployment - now and always.
DevOps is like oxygen: you'll likely take it for granted when it's there, but you'll definitely miss it when it's gone. DevOps's job is to eliminate friction and create ease, not only between the Development and Operations departments, but between each part of the product. Our experts do this by establishing a high-level understanding of the project, determining the best tooling and technology to fit everyone's needs, and creating continuous feedback and automations that prevent problems and resolve bugs quickly. In short? DevOps helps your whole team breathe easier.